Tomb Raider Anniversary: blog tasks Language and Audience Analyse the game cover for Tomb Raider Anniversary (above). 1) How does the cover communicate the genre of the game? It's definitely adventurous, action, mystic. The outfit worn by Lara Croft is a hint, the weapons holsters coupled with the cargo shorts and blue top will suggest that it's an adventure game, but only because of the genre conventions already developed for games like this, if you didn't know the conventions before, chances are it might have gone over your head.I think the colour scheme represents the best adventure genre through the range of colours, such as brown and gold, which have connotations of mystery and riches, as well as being a key element of colour lighting, as it relates to elements of intertextuality that appear in Indiana Jones films. 2) How does the pose and costume of the character appeal to primarily male audiences? The pose is known in a lot of media texts, e...