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Showing posts from July, 2019

BFI Study Day: follow-up work

1) Type up your notes from the day. Constructing and performing gender:  "gender becomes a set of connotations that have become naturalized." Gender roles are constructed, men and women are victimised from a patriarchal society.  bell hooks believes that traditionally  masculine attitudes and behaviours aren't natural but rather constructed by a patriarchal society.  Van Zoonen believes that in a  patriarchal society women bodies are sexualised and vulnerable whilst men's bodies are sexualised through power and strength.  Butler believes that gender is a performance:  a repeated system of behaviours and costumes  that are used so many times they may become seen as 'natural'  Barthes believes that  signs we assume and denotations are actually 'dominant connotations' that hide ideologies.  Authors ' encode' their work with meaning. Audiences often do not  decode  meanings the way a texts creator intended, same fro...

Magazines: Industries & Men's Health

Hearst publishing Research Hearst publishing by looking at the Hearst UK website and the Wikipedia entry for parent company and conglomerate Hearst Communications . 1) Hearst UK is part of Hearst Communications. What is Hearst Communications and where is it based? Hearst is an American mass media and business information conglomerate based in New York City.  2) What media industries and brands make up the Hearst Communications conglomerate? They're made up from brands like First Databank, Homecard Homebase,  Cosmopolitan, Esquire and ESPN. 3) What was the global revenue for Hearst Communications (in dollars) for the most recent year on record? $10.8 billion 4) Focusing on Hearst UK, what other magazine brands are part of Hearst UK publishing? How many UK people do they reach in print and online? 17m digital users in the UK  Read this Campaign interview with Hearst UK CEO James Wildman . 5) What is James Wildman's plan for Hearst UK? He want...