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Magazine practical task planning (part 2)

1) Plan your main flash - this is the main cover story that links to your central image.

It has to be something like 'young and independant' as a main flash

2) Plan the image you will need for the cover - model, costume, make-up, lighting etc. At this point, simply describe the image you need to capture.

I want it to be as simple as possible; a long shot of a women, sitting on a chair, being confident. I want to Focus on feminism and every day problems. The makeup should be light, the lighting from every side, with a simple color behind.

3) Write the cover lines and any additional text you need for your magazine cover.

'36 amazing outfits for your first date' 
'young and independent' - 25 amazing women with amazing stories
Zendaya - representation of a new generation of feminists
'the beauty power list' - 50 products to keep your skin healthy throughtout the day

4) Sketch out your cover on plain A4 paper using your written planning. Take a photo of your sketch and embed it in your blogpost.


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