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Magazine practical task research (part 1)


1) Use your lesson notes on magazine genres and conventions to view a range of potential magazine covers. Create a shortlist of three potential magazines and embed an example front cover from each one.

2) Select your chosen magazine to create a new edition for and explain the thinking behind your choice.

3) Find three different front covers for your chosen magazine and embed them in your blogpost. Analyse the fonts, colours and typical design. What is the language or writing style? How are the cover lines presented? You need to become an expert in the design and construction of this magazine and its branding.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania vogue best coversThe cover show a very confident woman sitting on a coutch with the simplest background. The magazine cover is really simple and have 3 main colors; white, red and black. The colors really fit with the baby blue dress. The font is very simple to evry headline, but I feel like it's the red that stands out the most.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania girls like us magazine
The magazine cover for 'Girls Like Us' is a great example of a simple cover. Nothing but a nice edited picture and a title of a magazine.The left side of the edit might show the young woman, and the right side is a elderly woman. I don't really like that undertone, but it may represent the coldness of life and the problems that women have to struggle every day. The editing is a compete coplete mess, yet it feels whole and very aesthetical.

Podobny obrazThe Glamour cover is really well done. I really like the background, giving us not expected, dark color that really combines with the light pink.  The use of white color for the headlines looks really neat and clear. The title of the magazine goes over her head, which is something that i'll definitely use in my project. The cover has different types of font and sizes of the text. We can see what's the main focus.

I chose the Vogue magazine because I really like the simplicity of it and I wanted to choose a magazine just for women and I want to show a powerful women on the cover.

Image result for vogue magazine cover

Image result for vogue magazine cover

Image result for vogue polska okładki


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